Does my business need a mobile app

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Creating a mobile app for a company or for a small business is complicated, and it will require financial resources and time. So every entrepreneur has to answer the question of whether it is worth creating an app at all, or whether it is better to limit yourself to a website.

Application or Browser?

In recent years mobile devices generate more than half of all Internet traffic, and traditional computers continue to lose ground. Internet users use mobile devices more and more often to search for necessary information on the web, to shop, to communicate and to have fun. Even mobile versions of websites cannot adequately compete with applications. According to experts, a browser for every 11 minutes of mobile device use accounts for just 1 minute, or 9% of the total time, whereas most of it is spent on applications. Therefore, when talking about business development on the Internet, now we can immediately imply the creation of a mobile application as the main tool, and the website goes to the second plan. A multifunctional application will also become an excellent assistant for company employees, as it can provide the necessary communication, help distribute and manage work processes, control task performance, coordinate and accelerate the work of the team.

Customer Retention

A website can attract new customers using numerous promotion tools in search engines and social networks, and in this regard, applications lose out to web resources. Using search, a user can go to your site and find out the information they need, order a product or service, which is much faster than searching for an app in the market and installing it. But when it comes to customer retention, apps definitely have no equal! To re-visit the site, the user will need to restart the browser, spend time searching for it in the search engine or in the “Bookmarks” menu, which will not be as convenient and not so fast. But in the case of the application, it is always “at hand” in the phone and it is enough just to click on the icon to get the required information. Moreover, the app can periodically let you know about itself with push notifications, make favorable offers for the user, inform about promotions and discounts on products of interest to him. User retention counts for weeks, and a competent marketing policy and strategy of the company, together with the proper quality of the app, allows for excellent results.

Business development

The main indicator of success of any business is an increase in profits, and a mobile app can help with this in two ways at once. On the one hand, it will help to structure the company’s work and efficiently manage working processes. On the other hand, such a product will be appreciated by customers, who will be able to perform necessary actions, whether ordering a pizza or calling a cab, quickly and conveniently.

As an example, the travel industry, where more than half of potential travelers in past years found airline tickets through a mobile device and corresponding programs. If a company doesn’t have an app, it actually loses half of its potential customers. It’s not uncommon for companies to increase profits by 25 percent or more after launching a mobile app. Beauty salons and other companies providing services in the beauty segment, with their help increase their profits by 3-4 times, and large retail chains collect hundreds of thousands of loyal customers. And for small companies and startups, mobile applications bring tangible benefits, which entrepreneurs will immediately feel as an increase in business profitability.

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